Dominos was started in 1960s it was started almost 60 years ago. The owner of Dominos Pizza Food Delivery is Tom Monaghan and his brother James. These brothers was not a lazy persons they did hardwork every day because as we all know hardwork is very important for sucess in your life as sucess is not about job and 9-5 work it's about lot of time and a lot of money these brothers know that this way is not easy but they already decided to grow up in life the borrow $500 U.S Dollars for there business startup and they decided to start this business with the name "Dominick" which also a good choice but as they grow up they decided to give a unique name to their business and the business was named DOMINOS and it's today net worth is 1.6 Billion dollars 💸

Tom Managhan and his young brother James start a business named Dominick in Ypsilanti after borrow $500 U.S DOLLARS in 1960 and it's named now DOMINOS and it's today's net worth is 1.6 Billion dollars